I will break the pride of men- I will humble them to dust

I will break the pride of men- I will humble them to dust
2 April 2020

Lord says
" Let this be well known that I will break the pride of men. To those who boast in flesh , to them I will send plaque causing sores to develop on them. To those who boast in money, I will send famine. To those who boast on false god, to them I will send a severe plaque on them which is unbearable and untolerable. To those who boast in science and technology, to them I will send many afflictions. Then, they will know that human wisdom is nothing. I will humble them to the dust . Everything that exalts itself will be humbled. Let this be well known to you. Then, they will turn to Me, when all doors are shut. It shall come to pass that whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved. Amen."