Why Coronavirus Judgement came?

Why Coronavirus Judgement came?

I got the Word of God on 13 June, 2019.

I saw a news channel depicting the spread of Chimki fever in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh state of India. It killed more than 100 children and many hospitalized.

Then ,I felt strong touch by Holy Spirit and was shivering for 2-3 mins.
Then, A Loud Voice came to me.

My son, Judgement will fall on everyone'

July 2019 to Dec 2019 was the season of Lord's visitation. Lord during this season visited nations, Churches and individuals as a witness for their sins and then make Judgement.( Malachi 3:5)

Lord visited Jerusalem and He witnessed the sins of city and He wept and wept. ( Luke 19:41). After Lord visited them, Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD as Judgement was made by Him.

Similarly , Lord visited nations, Churches and individuals in previous season ( July- Dec 2019). Lord Himself witnessed sins. People of Jerusalem didn't know the hour of visitation and they were judged. Similarly, most believers didn't the hour of visitation.( Luke 19:41-44)

Now, Lord after witnessing sins of people and now had made Coronavirus Judgement. 
My Judgement is falling on the nations
12 March 2020

Lord says
" Listen unto Me, My Judgement is falling on the nations in form of Coronavirus. My nations has not obeyed Me. They have sown sin and now reaping what they sow."

Coronavirus Judgement is only the beginning . Many more on the way. People will reap now what they sow.